Corneal Topography Oculyzer II:

The most modern system for corneal topography that uses the HR Pentacam technology. Scanning and mapping of very high resolution (50 scans of 25.000 points in real time) is performed for the best represention of the cornea. It is used in the pre-operational testing of corrective surgery.

WaveLight Occulyzer II

Excimer Laser Allegretto:

An advanced and complete Excimer Laser, that incorporates excellent technological features, rapid Laser source, extremely precise tracker, capable of increasing and decreasing the thermal load on the cornea. It is one of the most advanced and safe solutions for the correction of myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and refractive abnormalities.


Chalazion and stye are two very common inflammations of the eyelid glands, for which we visit the ophthalmologist. A timely visit to the specialist and proper treatment will help us avoid pain and possible surgical removal for cosmetic reasons, if they are left untreated for a long time.

What is chalazion?

Chalazion (meibomian gland cyst) is a chronic lipogranulomatous inflammatory damage caused by obstruction of the orifices of the glands and pooling of sebaceous secretions. This gradually creates a cyst usually found in the upper or lower eyelid. Patients with rosacea or seborrhoeic dermatitis face higher risks to present chalazion or even multiple and relapsing chalazia.

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What is stye?

Stye can be either internal or external. Internal stye is a small abscess caused by acute staphylococcal infection of the meibomian glands, while external stye is a small acute staphylococcal abscess of an eyelash pocket and of the respective Zeis and Moll glands.

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What is the difference between chalazion and stye?

Chalazion is sometimes confused with stye, which also appears as a nubbin on the eyelid. Stye is an acute infection of the eyelash pocket and forms a red, painful nubbin near the edge of the eyelid. Chalazion is usually a reaction to enclosed lipid secretions and is not caused by bacteria, even though its position can be secondarily infected. Chalazia tend to appear away from the edge of the eyelid, contrary to styes that tend to climax towards the inside or nasal part of the eyelid. Sometimes, a chalazion can cause a sudden edema on the entire eyelid.

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What are the symptoms from their appearance?

Both appear as inflammatory swellings of the eyelid. The eyelid is edematous, red and in pain, especially under pressure. They can appear on the upper or lower eyelid, in the inside or the outside. If the inflammation is large, then the eyelid tends to close, while the weight of the cyst that has been created in larger chalazia can cause blurry vision due to astigmatism caused by pressure on the cornea. In stye, a white spot may appear, which indicates presence of pus.

How is stye treated?


Incision and drainage may be necessary in case there are some remnants after the recession of the acute infection


No treatment is required in the majority of cases, since stye is usually either absorbed automatically or is drained forward near the base of the eyelash.
Warm compressesstrong> may prove useful in severe cases.
The removal of the eyelash connected to the afflicted pocket may accelerate pus drainage.
Systematic antibiotics may be necessary when there is severe eyelid cellulitis.

How is chalazion treated?

kritharaki10 1When chalazion is small and without symptoms, it can be removed without treatment. If it is large, it may blur vision due to deformation of the shape of the eye. Local ointments and eye drops with antibiotics or mixed use of local cortisone is the main treatment. It is important to start treatment immediately, because if the inflammation becomes chronic, then it can create a full cyst, which cannot be treated with medication, but needs to be surgically removed. So, if chalazion has not passed after 3 or 4 weeks, then surgical removal can be done, mainly for cosmetic reasons.

Therefore, chalazia can be treated with one of the following treatments or with a combination of them:

Antibiotics or combination with steroid local eye drops during the day and ointment at night for a few days.
Warm compresses.
Warm compresses can be applied in various ways. The simplest is to hold a clean towel doused in warm water on our closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. The towel should be doused again to keep warm. Finally, we dry the eyelids using smooth movements and wipe away all signs of pus or other secretions with a clean gauze which changes for every wiping.
Gland massaging smoothly and periodically, in combination with medication and warm compresses.
Surgical removal. When chalazion does not subside with the above treatments, we move on to a surgical procedure which doesn't require staying overnight at the hospital. After using anesthetic eye drops, an anesthetic injection will be done under the skin, next to the cyst, in order for you not to feel any pain. The feeling will be similar to the injection done by a dentist. Subsequently, the surgeon will turn the eyelid and from a small vertical incision he will do on the inside of the eyelid he will remove the contents of the cyst along with part of its walls. Finally, an eye cover that applies pressure is used, which needs to stay on for at leastt six hours. After the removal of the eye cover you can wash your eye with a clean cotton towel or a gauze doused in cool water, which you will have boiled in advance, in order for the eye to be cleaned from any remnants of blood or other secretions. You may notice some bruising on your eye, which, however, will disappear within the next few days. Your doctor will give you antibiotic eye drops or ointment, which you should use at least 4 times a day for at least a week.
Chalazia usually respond well to treatment, even though some people are prone to relapses. In that case, a repeated treatment is required, as well as a thorough examination that will show the causes of the relapses. If a chalazion appears on the same spot, then the doctor will order a biopsy in order to avoid more severe problems.
Finally, frequent relapses can be avoided with the use of corrective glasses for people who have hyperopia or advanced presbyopia and don't wear glasses.

Advice to prevent reappearance of chalazion

Thorough cleaning of the eyelids prevents reappearance of chalazia in people who are prone to them. By cleaning the eyelid area regularly with baby shampoo we decrease the chances of gland obstruction. Furthermore, adopting some dietary habits, without it being panacea, certainly contributes both to prevention of reappearance of chalazia and to general health improvement. So:

Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin A. These foods include fish, preferably roasted, like salmon and tuna. It is advisable to consume them about 2-3 times a week. Consumption of B-carotene is necessary since it becomes vitamin A in our body.
Include in your diet foods rich in vitamin B6, such as vegetables (peas and beans), tuna, salmon, chicken, and vitamin B3 (sunflower seeds).
Fresh salads are also a very useful food. Consume three bowls a day.
Drink large quantities of water, at least 6 glasses a day.

Remember:Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

What is strabismus?

Strabismus is a very common childhood disorder that affects 4% of the general population and is an eye condition in which the visual axes of the eyes are not aligned. In this case, one eye looks straight while the other diverts towards inside or outside. Based on the direction of the eye, there is esotropia when the eye is turned towards the inside, exotropia when it is turned towards the outside, anotropia, when it looks up etc. Strabismus can appear in the first months of the infant's life, especially esotropia, or after 18-24 months, when the child starts focusing on close objects.

When a child presents strabismus, and this is more easily observed by his mother, then he will need to be examined to diagnose if it is true strabismus or pseudostrabismus, especially in the ages of 3 and 4, when ocular muscles and the child's vision are not yet stabilized. A very common cause of pseudostrabismus is epicanthus (eye fold) and a wide nose. Pseudostrabismus corrects itself and needs no treatment, while real strabismus must be corrected as soon as possible, because apart from a cosmetic problem (parents consider it a major problem), there is also the danger of amblyopia. The eye that squints in a child may gradually become “lazy”, which means that it stops seeing clearly even with the help of glasses. This is practically irreversible after the first decade of a child's life and the “lazy” eye will stay “lazy” for life. Immediate diagnosis and proper treatment help in order to avert such a possibility.

How is strabismus treated?

When a child shows signs of strabismus, he needs to be examined by an ophthalmologist to diagnose the type and cause of strabismus. Vision and refraction should also be checked using dilating drops to see what the precise dilating strength of the glasses is. At the same time, the fundus is checked for possible abnormalities.

There are cases of strabismus corrected only with glasses, which the child must wear constantly and must be checked every 6-12 months. In esotropia, hyperopia is also found, which increases until the age of 6, stabilizes by the age of 8 and gradually decreases by the age of 14. With the gradual decrease in glasses strength, the degree of strabismus is also decreased. Strabismus that cannot be corrected with glasses will need surgery. With surgery we can strengthen or weaken the muscles in order to align the eyes. In case strabismus is high or complex, e.g. horizontal and vertical, a second surgery might be needed.

It is very important to point out the importance of eye exams before the school age, even if parents cannot observe any problems in their child.

What is amblyopia?

Amblyopia, or “lazy” eye, is not only caused by strabismus. Big differences in the refractive ability of the two eyes, e.g. one-sided high congenital myopia (anisometropic amblyopia), conditions that don't allow light to reach the posterior segment of the eye, e.g. ptosis, congenital cataract (amblyopia ex anopsia), high ametropias, usually hyperopia (ametropic amblyopia), from non-corrected astigmatism (meridional amblyopia) and other disorders, e.g. congenital nystagmus, are all possible to cause amblyopia to a child. Diagnosis and etiological treatment is the basis of proper medical care of this not at all rare disorder, since about 7% of people have some degree of amblyopia acquired during their childhood.

How is amblyopia treated?

The first and most serious issue is proper diagnosis and prevention of amblyopia and this can happen only with a full ophthalmological examination. Treating the basic cause, e.g. strabismus, cataract removal, or prescribing the proper glasses is not enough to correct amblyopia. Besides all that, the good eye needs to be covered so the child will need to use the amblyopic eye to see and thus acquire good vision.

The younger the child is when amblyopia is diagnosed, the better his vision will be after treatment. We need to point out how necessary it is to do an eye exam before school age, because if the diagnosis is made at that age, the child can have perfect vision, while if it is diagnosed at the age of 7 or 8, amblyopia will be permanent for the rest of the child's life except for exceptional cases.

A very important role in the success of this technique is the positive opinion of the parents and their insistence on the treatment, because no child wants to have his eye bandaged. It is better to be pressured early by the parents than have a lazy eye for the rest of his life that might be an obstacle in his personal career, for example, he will not be able to acquire a driver's license or be accepted in a military academy.

Covering the eye is needed for a few hours every day and for as long as it is necessary, months or even years, since it depends on the degree of amblyopia and the regular application of the cover. In small children, improvement is rapid, but the child will have to be monitored closely until the age of 8 to avoid any possible relapse.

 Remember: Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

What is pinguecula?

Pinguecula is a very common distortion of the eye, which consists of white and yellow depositions on the conjunctiva next to the corneal limbus, either from the side of the nose or the temples. It is not a tumor, but an alteration of the natural tissue that ends up in depositing proteins and lipids. Pinguecula can also be a reaction to chronic eye irritation or to intense sunlight. Contrary to pterygium, pinguecula does not move towards the cornea.

How is pinguecula treated?

It doesn't need treatment unless an inflammation is present. Pinguecula does not “invade” the visual axis and doesn't threaten vision. But if it becomes annoying, it can be removed surgically, even though this is rarely done.

Remember: Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

What is pterygium?

Pterygium is a triangular layer of fibrovascular tissue, that penetrates the cornea (the clear anterior segment of the eyeball). In its initial stages, some small gray opacity of the cornea is observed, nasally, near the corneal limbus. Subsequently, the conjunctiva covers the opacity and gradually expands over the cornea in a triangular shape. It may be small or can grow substantially enough to obstruct vision.

The exact cause of the pterygium is not yet established. It appears more frequently in people who spend most of their time outdoors, especially in warm climates with a lot of sunshine. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, especially UV rays, as well as chronic irritation of the eye from environmental dryness and increased dust seem to be a significant underlying cause.

How is pterygium treated?

In case the pterygium is irritated and becomes red, drops or ointments can be used locally to reduce the inflammation. Surgical removal is recommended either for cosmetic reasons (if the pterygium is large, expanding or causing deformation) or in cases that its progress threatens the visual axis which would result in decreased vision.

Despite a proper surgical removal, the pterygium may regress, especially in young people. Surface application of radiotherapy or medication can be used to avoid regression. A measure that also helps is protecting the eyes from excessive exposure to UV rays with appropriate glasses and avoiding environments with lots of dust and dryness.

Remember:Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

Learning difficulties are related to vision problems

Good eyesight for children is certainly a basic requirement for school success. When the child's vision falls short, the same happens with his school performance. According to a recent study, up to 25% of children experience eyesight problems that affect their learning ability.

Learning difficulties is another thing to worry about regarding children of school age. Even though learning difficulties usually appear in children up to 7 years old, they are often not detected until the child goes to school. Many times, however, learning difficulties can be the result of simple eyesight problems. A refractive fault may be the cause of these difficulties in school or a refractive fault can be combined with a learning problem. If your child reversed letters while reading or writing, his writing is sloppy, he doesn't like or has difficulties with reading, writing or mathematics, he often confuses his right and left hand or the opposite, he faces difficulties in oral communication or has frequent antisocial behavior, then you should consult with an expert. Consult with your ophthalmologist in order for him to diagnose a potential vision abnormality and visit your paediatrician in order to get proper information and a recommendation for a specialist.

What are the vision disorders for children of school age?

The most common vision disorders regarding school age are:

amblyopia at about 4%,
myopia , 5% until the age of 8, 26% until the age of 14 and 30% until the age of 20,
hyperopia at about 90% until 5 years of age and 15% over 5,

What are the signs that should lead us to the ophthalmologist in time?

Parents should look their children in the eyes and observe their reaction in various visual stimuli, since their performance and subsequent success in life is mainly dependent on the proper function of their eyes. If a child that starts school has normal language development, but faces learning difficulties or difficulty in reading, then he might have an eyesight problem.

The symptoms that the parents need to look out for are:

The child always sits very close to the television or reads a book close to his eyes
He loses track of where he is in a text, or skips words and sentences

He uses his finger to follow the words when he reads

He writes sideways

His posture isn't proper when he studies
He easily loses attention and can't concentrate
He squints
He leans his head to see clearly
He is sensitive to light
He rubs his eyes or blinks excessively

He closes one eye to read or watch television
His eyes are unnaturally aligned. Their movement is unnatural
He doesn't easily comprehend what he reads
He is too slow to finish homework
He avoids activities that require close vision such as reading or distant vision such as sports participation or other activities.
He complains about headaches or tired eyes.
He avoids using a computer at school because “it is tiring for his eyes”.
His school performance is decreased compared to the past.

If your child presents one or more of the above signs, you should schedule an appointment with the ophthalmologist. This visit to the doctor will usually show that the child has myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. These refractive abnormalities can be corrected very easily with glasses or contact lenses.

How often should the child visit the ophthalmologist?

Expertise and available technology today offers to ophthalmology diagnostic methods, which prevent many problems, before they become damaging. Some eye disorders may exist without any obvious symptoms and that is why children of all ages should do preventive examinations.

Your child should definitely be examined by an ophthalmologist for the first time no later than 6 years of age. All babies, and especially infants, mainly those that are considered “high risk” (premature labor, family history of eye disorders) should be examined by a specialist pediatric ophthalmologist. This examination is done to verify the good health of the eyes and detect potential problems that may be rare, yet important, like congenital cataract, glaucoma, microphthalmia etc. After that, again in the age of 3 and again when he is starting school. Children of school age need an ophthalmological examination once every 2 or 3 years if they present no problems. But if your child needs glasses or contact lenses, you should schedule the visits to the ophthalmologist every 12 months. We should keep in mind that just as the child grows, so does his vision change which results in a need to also change prescription. Furthermore, your visit to the ophthalmologist will ensure that your child can have proper central and peripheral vision, use both his eyes and easily adjust from close to far distances and the opposite.

We should point out that an ophthalmological examination alone is not enough. The paediatrician will examine the child's vision to detect a possible problem, but he can't replace the ophthalmologist. So, while a paediatrician's examination can be useful, there is always a chance for this examination not to show any serious problems. Parents are mainly those who will need to take initiative and schedule the visits to an ophthalmologist, who will examine the vision of the child thoroughly.

Remember:Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

The existence of a refractive abnormality was and still is a reason for rejection from Military Academies. Even if the candidate fulfills all requirements to enter such a school, the existence of a refractive fault, even if it is corrected with glasses or contact lenses (visual acuity 10/10), will not allow him to participate in the examinations.

Each of these Military Academies has its own criteria regarding the required visual acuity and in some of them, candidates will be accepted even if they wear glasses or contact lenses, as long as their corrected acuity is not lower than what is required.

In particular, in the table below you can see the visual requirements for the candidates of every Military Academy. It is worth noting that except for the Hellenic Air Force Academy (Pilots), none of the other schools mention restrictions or exclusions due to correction with refractive surgery.


Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 6 diopters (spherical equivalent)
Hellenic Military Academy (Arms) Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent)
Hellenic Air Force Academy (Engineers) Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent)

Noncommissioned Officers Army Academy

Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent)

Hellenic Air Force Academy (Technical NCO School)

Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent)

Hellenic Air Force Academy (Administrative NCO School) Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent)
Hellenic Military Academy (Corps) Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 6 diopters (spherical equivalent)

Corps Officers Military Academy

Officers' School of Nursing Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 6 diopters (spherical equivalent)
Naval Cadets Academy (Combatants) Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye without correction

Naval Cadets Academy (Engineers)

Visual acuity without correction 1/10 in each eye, 10/10 with correction, myopia should not be above 2.5 diopters, hyperopia 3 diopters and astigmatism 2 diopters. All candidates for naval schools should not have undergone refractive surgery with radial keratotomy
Hellenic Navy's Petty Οfficers' Academy Visual acuity without correction 1/10 in each eye, 10/10 with correction, myopia should not be above 2.5 diopters, hyperopia 3 diopters and astigmatism 2 diopters. All candidates for naval schools should not have undergone refractive surgery with radial keratotomy
Hellenic Air Force Academy (Pilots)

Visual acuity in close or in a distance no less than 10/10 for each eye without correction and they should not have undergone any refractive surgery.
Their myopia should not be higher than 0.25 diopters, hyperopia higher than 1.75 diopters and astigmatism higher than 0.75 diopters for each meridian. Also, esotropia up to 10 diopters, exotropia up to 5 diopters and hypertropia up to 1 diopter and close convergence point no lurther than 70cm.

Hellenic Police Academy Visual acuity with or without correction 10/10 in each eye and refractive anomaly should not be above 4.5 diopters (spherical equivalent). Astigmatism should not exceed 5 diopters.

It is evident that even if visual acuity with correction is adequate, the degrees of refractive abnormality are an obstacle for the participation of the candidates in some schools.

In the past, the only ways to correct these refractive abnormalities were glasses and contact lenses. In some of those schools, however, vision should be perfect without correction. In others, even if corrected visual acuity was 10/10, if the refractive anomaly was above the accepted limit, the candidate was rejected.

The problem of refractive abnormalities can now be surpassed with refractive surgery (LASIK and PRK), which are considered routine surgeries in the hands of an experienced ophthalmologist surgeon. The improvement of laser technology and surgical techniques used today provide painless, safe procedures with excellent, predictable and stable in time results. Refractive surgeries are now undoubtedly an excellent application of advanced technology, which can open the doors of a secure profession to many young people who thought their options limited due to the condition of their eyes, while they were fully qualified for a brilliant career.

Remember: Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

All drivers are responsible for their own safety, their passengers' safety and certainly the safety of everyone on the streets. Our ability to see clearly is part of this responsibility. About 85-95% of everything we apprehend during driving comes from our eyes. Poor visual perception means bad driving.

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How important is good eyesight for safe driving?

The past few decades, more and more people are able to own a vehicle and drive it. Despite the disadvantages of increased traffic, we have to accept the fact that driving gives a feeling of independence to the person who owns and drives it. Also, car use has been proven crucial in many cases. As cars and drivers become more, however, accidents increase as well.

odigisi3Most countries, aiming towards the common good and willing to decrease the number of road accidents, pose restrictions, among other things, to the driving rights of people with certain disorders. For example, a person with decreased reflexes is a dangerous driver and so incapable of safe driving. One of the most important parameters for safe driving is, undoubtedly, good eyesight. Eye disorders, if left untreated, frequently become a significant reason for the restriction of the driver's abilities. 


odigisi4These results came after comparing them with drivers with no eye disorders. Research has shown that the more severe the eye disorder of the drivers that were in an accident, the more possible it was that they were responsible for the accident. odigisi4



odigisi5The solution of the problem initially focuses on raising the widest possible awareness as regards to the problem and secondly on the huge chances of treating the various eye disorders. It should be made clear that the past few years advances in ophthalmology technology offer impressive results, for example, the successful correction of high myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism with the latest laser applications in refractive surgery. Furthermore, there have been many important steps in the treatment of cataract, due to the application of new microsurgical techniques for its removal. With proper information and successful treatment of an eye disorder, driving can be rendered safe both for the driver and the rest of the people.


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Useful information for drivers

You should know that...

Between ages 40 and 60, vision at night becomes harder. Our pupils become larger, the muscles lose elasticity and our vision becomes less clear. A 60-year-old driver needs 10 times more light than a 20-year-old!
Older people are more sensitive to “glare” from lights, which makes driving at night difficult. A 55-year-old person needs eight times more time to recover after an intense glare than a 16-year-old.
Weaknesses in our visual system increase after the age of 55. We fail to record objects that don't move, like pedestrians waiting to cross the street.
Around the age of 70, peripheral vision presents problems, which results in increased chances of accident. It is important to know that 95% of a driver's ability comes from peripheral vision.
As years go by, colors lose their brightness for a lot of “elderly” eyes, which results in decreased by half ability to see traffic lights, in relation to younger ages.
Another visual ability that decreases with time is depth perception: how close or how far our car is, in relation to an object in front of us. This ability is especially important for someone to judge the speed with which a car comes, in order to overtake it or turn left.
Cataract, glaucoma and diabetes are conditions that affect vision and the drivers that suffer from these should follow the advice of their ophthalmologist.

Useful advice for safe driving

Turn on the lights early in the evening and inside fog. These are the hours where difficulty in seeing and be seen is large. Avoid, if possible, driving at sunrise and sunset since the “glare” may be blinding and make it difficult to distinguish details on the road. But if you do drive during these hours, you should take precautions and keep longer distances from the car ahead. Decrease your speed if you're driving at night.
If your ophthalmologist gives you corrective glasses or contact lenses, you should be wearing them while driving. If you have difficulties in driving at night, you should discuss this with him. Avoid driving at night on roads that aren't well-lit or you're not familiar with. Elderly drivers need more light to see and they should avoid driving at night.
Wear sunglasses during the day. With sunglasses your eyes adjust easier from light to darkness. Don't wear sunglasses when you drive at night.
It is really important for the headlights of your car to be properly adjusted so that they offer proper illumination without blinding the others.
Visit your ophthalmologist at least once a year and ask for a full ophthalmological examination that will allow you to be certain that you fulfill the requirements for safe driving.


Remember:Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.

Do computers affect our vision?

Problems caused by computers are the second most frequent reason for young healthy people to visit their ophthalmologist. What happens to people that use computers for long hours during the day is basically what is called “asthenopia”, that is difficulties in vision. The second problem is of course problems caused by repetitive movements of the fingers and of the muscles of the arm.

The consequences of computers on vision and the eyes are still under general observation, but any kind of permanent damage hasn't yet been verified.

More than 50% of computer users suffer from eye fatigue, headaches and blurry vision. These symptoms sometimes affect the person's general health, creating a sense of fatigue, which leads to decreased work performance.

There are also some indications that, in rare cases, people working long hours in front of a computer, face an increased risk for glaucoma.


How do computers affect our vision?

When we are viewing a computer screen, what happens is that we lose depth perception, i.e. stereopsis, and our focus is always on a single point. Also, our eye convergence (what happens when we're looking at something really close) is continuously hyperactive and the frequency of blinking is decreased. This is completely different from reading a printed page, since most computer monitors, especially those with a CRT, do not emit a single image, but an image that passes frame by frame and our brain connects it so we can see a continuous image; it is an image with diffused light and has very different contrast and clarity. After using a computer for many hours, what happens is that the cones, the cells we use to perceive colors, are always hyperactive and the image from the cones' hyperactivity stays in our brain, despite the change of image on the computer screen. This is called “after effect” or McCollough effect and sometimes color perception is reversed.

Things that worry us with computer use is if we are exposed to radiation and UV radiation and how much, and if this can potentially lead to cataract. It should be noted that there is proof that the radiation we receive, especially when it comes to UV radiation, is less than that of a fluorescent bulb, so there is no dangerous radiation for the eye and no proof that this can lead to cataract.


Ophthalmological symptoms caused by PC use

Headache during and after PC use
Pain between the eyes
Dry and/or irritated eyes
Blurry vision
Slow focus during screen use
After long hours of PC use there is difficulty in viewing distant objects

Occasional diplopia
Poor color perception

General physical symptoms caused by PC use

Pain in the neck and the shoulders
Back pain
Fatigue, maybe even pain, of the hands and wrists
Decreased work performance, frequent mistakes, fatigue

Ways to avoid such symptoms

The computer monitor should be on a lower level than the eyes.
The keyboard should be in such a position that the bottom of our arms and wrists is parallel to the ground.
The seat should be adjustable, so it can cater to the user's needs.
The thighs, like the arms, should be parallel to the ground.

Contrast and brightness of the screen should be adjusted to the desired setting, so that the user feels comfortable and doesn't tire his eyes.
The lighting in the room must be three times brighter than the monitor.
A screen filter should be used

It is important to work on a big screen, so it isn't tiring to read or write a text
The screen shouldn't reflect light from a window or another light source
It is necessary to clean your screen regularly.
Adjust the font size on your screen, choosing a setting which is comfortable, if the software gives you that choice.
Adjust brightness and contrast on your screen.
People who use computers all the time may experience some refractive anomalies, like slight myopia, slight astigmatism, slight hyperopia; if this is corrected with the use of glasses or contact lenses, it will help them use these devices easier.
Use of artificial tears may help with xerophthalmia that long hours in front of the PC might cause, due to the decrease in blinking speed and frequency; proper moisturizing of the atmosphere, in which the person works and uses the PC, may also help.
The most important thing of all is to have short and frequent breaks of 2-3 minutes every 15-20 minutes of work or 5 minutes for every 30 minutes or 10 minutes for every hour.


What problems can excessive PC use cause during childhood?

The past few years in America, Europe, even in Greece, children spend 1 to 3 hours daily in front of a computer screen, either for their school work or to play. Many times, it is the parents who encourage their children from an early age of 2 or 3 to access the PC at home or at school.

Many pediatric optometrists believe that excessive use of PC during childhood can increase the risk of myopia. They refer to studies that have been done and which show that computers have a negative impact on a child's vision.

Particularly, various studies claim that:

25% of the children that use computers need corrective glasses in order to work on the computer with comfort and without danger at home or at school.
The percentage of children in the first stage of myopia has increased from 12% to 20% from 1995 until today.
The percentage of children between 7 and 9 years of age with myopia has doubled the past three years, reaching 34%.

Twenty years ago, most children played in open spaces and their distant vision was more important. Today, most children work in front of the PC either at home or at school. Sitting in front of the PC, looking intently at the screen creates problems that weren't known a few years ago. With PC use, the child's visual system is more focused and more pressured than with other activities. PC use requires high-level skills from the eyes of small children, whose visual system has not yet been fully developed. Only when it is mature enough, can the child manage the pressure and stress caused by PC use.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the impact of PC use in childhood includes the following factors:

Children have a diminished degree of self-protection. They can work in front of the PC for hours with little to no breaks. This extended activity can cause focusing and attention problems.
Children are especially adaptive. They believe what they see and the way they see things is always the norm for them, even if they have eyesight problems. That's why it's important for the parents to monitor the time their children spend in front of a PC.
Children are by definition smaller than adults. Most of the times, the work space in front of the PC is designed to be used by adults. This may change the children's visual angle. PC users should keep the monitor at a lower lever than their eyes, by about 15 degrees. Also, as a result of the difficulty with which the children reach the keyboard or touch their feet on the ground, they may feel pain in the neck, the shoulders or the back.


Advice to avoid problems from PC use in childhood
Many pediatric optometrists claim that children who use a computer long before their visual system is fully developed are at the heart of the problem known as “computer vision syndrome”, which is a visual syndrome caused by excessive PC use.

In order to protect your children from this syndrome, you should follow the following advice:

Before school starts, every child should have already had a full ophthalmological examination, including tests for distant and close vision.
Work space for the computer should be adjusted for a child, not for an adult.
Suggested distance between the monitor and the child's eyes is 50-60 cm. Looking at the computer screen from a closer distance endangers their vision due to excessive visual adjustments.
The time children work in front of the PC should always be monitored and, if possible, discontinuous, so that there are breaks when the visual and the musculosceletal system may rest.
Parents and teachers should recognize every behavior that shows possible problems such as: red eyes, frequent eye rubbing, head leaning or other unusual body stances and, finally, complaints about blurry vision or tired eyes. If any of this is observed they should immediately visit their ophthalmologist.


Remember:Your ophthalmologist is the best source for responsible answers on issues related to your eyes and their health. Under no circumstances is information taken from our website intended to replace him. Seek your doctor for complete information.


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